See the Unseen: Hyperspectral

The world isn’t black and white. Every interaction is coloured by nuance, experience, and timing. In order to interpret anything we come across in our lives — whether it is a new person, a new challenge, or a new discovery — we need insight to help us. Otherwise we would miss so much.

For GeologicAI, one of our most insightful tools for discovery is hyperspectral scanning.

By using hyperspectral technologies, we are able to “see the unseen” in core samples. When you consider infrared and ultraviolet light, the human eye can only perceive a fraction of the reflectance of many materials. Our scanners let us see the rest. 

Minerals all have unique spectral signatures, much like fingerprints. But instead of identifying a person, these signatures identify a specific materials, making it simple to categorize and examine. 

Once core samples are scanned, GeologicAI’s proprietary software provides an easy-to-use interface to make use of your hyperspectral information. With colour-coded documentation, you save vast amounts of time and effort to discover exactly what your core samples hold.

To find out more about our hyperspectral scanners, book a demo with us here.


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