Our Secret Ingredient

At GeologicAI, we are a data company. We provide the tools for mining exploration companies looking to collect the most comprehensive dataset for the core samples they have drilled.

While our scanners, sensors, and interpretive software provide the technology to harness vast amounts of data, there is one more asset we offer to ensure you are getting the most out of GeologicAI: service.

The goal of our team is for our clients to get the most out of our tools and software. That means we are constantly refining and streamlining our technology to best fit with our clients’ needs and desires. Every project is different and we provide the flexibility and know-how to solve the challenges that may arise.

Recently, our team made the journey from Canada to Bolivia to upgrade hardware and make sure everything was running smoothly onsite — we may be a data company but we also understand the importance of face-to-face communication. 

Data. Technology. Service. This is what motivates GeologicAI.

Be sure to book a demo to learn more.


How Auto-Lithology Saved the Day


See the Unseen: Hyperspectral