The Power of Automation

At its root, technology serves to make our lives better. By focusing on efficiencies, technology saves time, stress and, in many cases, eliminates the element of human error.

So why is the mining industry stuck in the dark ages when it comes to tech?

GeologicAI is here to shine a light on the power of automation.

When it comes to analyzing core samples using traditional methods, we so often see vast amounts of information left on the table. Handheld scanners aren’t dependable and the tedium of having to scan using outdated tools can cause data to be missed. 

Our onsite GeologicAI scanners are designed to automate the majority of the scanning process. Our AI assisted auto-logging technology provides exploration teams with the most comprehensive dataset — all in one place and available online from anywhere in the world. 

Not only is the information thorough, it is provided at speeds previously unseen in the industry. The power of automation cannot be underestimated.

GeologicAI is revolutionizing the core scanning process. What side of the revolution do you want to be on?

Book at demo to discover how GeologicAI can revolutionize your exploration.


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